1. Perks of Being a Wallflower {Barnes & Noble, local library, bookstores, etc.} {varies}
Barnes and Noble |
So I'm a little late in reading this book, but oh my word it's beautiful. Mr. Chbosky has such an interesting style of writing and way of conveying information and overall it felt good to read a book that was so different than any others I had read lately. Although this book has loads of adult content (more detailed than I ever want to know sex scenes and what not), I'd still put it on the top of my favorite books list. I was left in tears as oh sweet Jesus the twist at the very end is so cry worthy, but I'd totally recommend it.
2. Vermont Honey Apple Fragrance {Bath & Body} {$14.00}
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Bath & Body |
I haven't bought something from bath and body in a really long time, but I recently had a birthday and was given this fragrance along with the matching body wash and lotion, and words can't even describe how greatly my appreciation of life has increased with such a simple gift. It is literally fall in spray form. That's all I can say about it. If you must know more go to your local Bath and Body and get a whiff of this stuff and prepare for a changed life. Vermont. Honey. Apple. That's all you need to know.
3. Combat Boots {basically any store that sells shoes} {varies}
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Target |
It's fall. Fall means boots (combat boots in this case). Enough said. Although side note, I own this exact pair and this picture makes them look a little ratchet, but ohemgee, they're wonderful. I usually pull the sides down to the very last button snap so the pattern is shown off a little more and I LOVE THEM. Now, enough said.
Oh and I'm also going to blame the government shutdown for there only being three things instead of the usual five, not the lack of time/ideas/motivation I have right now. {Edit: If you're really looking for me to finish this list, I'd put t-shirts at #4 and sweatpants at #5, let's be honest.}
Carry on, fabulously of course.
Oh and I'm also going to blame the government shutdown for there only being three things instead of the usual five, not the lack of time/ideas/motivation I have right now. {Edit: If you're really looking for me to finish this list, I'd put t-shirts at #4 and sweatpants at #5, let's be honest.}
Carry on, fabulously of course.
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