Sunday, May 18, 2014

News and Greatness

So I was recently approached by F (side note: do I still refer to you as F or nah? haha) at The Fence of Stars about using one of my recent posts on her other side blog Teenage Blogger Central. Which on another side note, you should all go register at. I've gotten a good bit of feed (okay let's be real, most of my feed) from that fancy place by just giving them my blog information.

Continuing on, my post was published here for all who want to check it out, although you've probably already read it, but I say you go for another whirl anyways. Also ignore my outdated bio I have on there. I'm a tad embarrassed by it so if anyone whose familar with the site knows how I could possibly change it, that'd be great.

a lil throw back to my post

Have a fabulous day.

*P.S. my post title may have been a little misleading*


  1. Thanks for mentioning TBC here, and happy to feature your post! To answer those questions, you can still call me F, and if you want to change your bio on TBC, just contact me with the new one and I will change it. Have a nice day/evening :)

    1. Thanks so much for answering my questions! :) I felt kinda stupid, but I wasn't sure if you wanted to still be referred to as F or if you were going with a new pseudonym with your new blog. Hopefully I'll get around to contacting you with a new blog bio as it is rather outdated haha!

      Thanks again!
