Friday, November 30, 2012

Embracing Weirdness

"You should all learn to embrace weirdness. That's the only way I've learned to love all of y'all."

Those are the heartfelt words of my first period teacher. He's my absolute favorite and quite the character.

While I was on a creative high, I started my photo shoot immediately after school, and I took his words to heart. I embraced weirdness. Maybe not in the sense he was referring to, but I went out on a limb. I snapped photos of what I had already dismissed as looking too bizarre. I brought out items from my room and placed them everywhere, clicking the shutter button as I went. Things that I would've considered far-fetched, looked absolutely amazing on camera.

This was my favorite picture from the shoot. The lighting
was just simply perfect.

I even got a visit from my new favorite model.

In the end, I started to run out of sunlight. I would start to think that I was done and as I began to edit pictures I'd have an idea and run back outside to capture more pictures. My mind was running so fast that I couldn't keep up. 

There will definitely be another shoot this weekend.