Saturday, February 28, 2015

First World Feminism

I see a lot of comments trying to discredit the need for feminism everywhere I turn. They range from trying to disprove one segment of feminism to challenging the fact as to whether gender inequality even exists in its entirety. I have become either immune or well equipped to argue a lot of these points that seem to be consistently brought up, but recently I have stumbled upon a new sort of argument: First World Feminism.

I first heard of this in the comment section of a YouTube video I watched a few weeks ago. I generally try not to read the comments as this section is always a breeding ground for every one's unsolicited opinions, and I usually exit out in a rage of anger every time I read them.

I must say this time was no different. I remember the video being about some sort of feminism minded topic, and the commenter had said something about how the girl should stop complaining about her "first world feminism" needs.

In some ways I get what they're trying to say. We're fighting for equal opportunity in the workplace and a world where we don't get catcalled walking down the street; many women in other countries are fighting for their right to an education and a world where they don't fear their life every time they step outside of the house. When looking at the big picture, what we're fighting for is so small compared to what others are fighting for. I'm not afraid to admit that. We're not afraid to admit that. 

The concept of first world feminism makes us seem petty. People seem to think we should be grateful for what we have. We shouldn't try to push it. But that concept seems to irritate me even further.

In the mindset of first world feminism, it's okay that only three out of every 100 rapist serve a prison sentence or the fact that mothers are punished in the workplace but not fathers because other women have it worse. It justifies my inequalities because I should simply be grateful for what I have. 

The problem is that inequality is never justifiable no matter how small the inequality may be.

I get that women in other countries face way worse. I will help them fight for the equalities that I already enjoy and for the equalities that I still don't have. I will stand with them to end sex trafficking, and I will help fight for their right to an education.

But that will never stop me from fighting against my own inequalities. The fact that my calculus teacher still makes sexist comments repeatedly, or that an engineer came to my school as a guest speaker and asked if he needed to explain what a wrench was to the girls in the room. The fact that women make up 20% of our Senate and 19% of our House of Representatives, yet 51% of America's population. The fact that people suggest that I choose a career that will allow me to have time off once I have kids. The fact that we teach women how to prevent rape instead of teaching men not to rape.

Being a feminist in a first world country is a balance of being grateful for what you have yet not contempt with what you don't. We must be ready to fight for women down the street and women thousands of miles away. Equality doesn't stop around the borders of our own country, equality extends around the world.

Most importantly, we must remember that this fight is for women everywhere.

Have a fabulous day.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

I'm Too Lazy to Write About Anything Real Anymore

Today I experienced another snow day, a product of the southern inability to handle half an inch of snow. Looking out my window this afternoon I can barely see any remnants of the snow that cancelled school in the first place, but I will never argue with a reason to cancel school. This much needed break was, well, much needed.

Ironically, I spent much of today doing homework that was due today because life. Life is an excuse for everything.

Also, I had every intention for writing a spirited post on women, but this picture filled post has been sitting in my drafts folder wordless for a while. Today I have decided to give it some words. I hope you enjoy my little digitalized scrapbook.

My ENO was quite possibly the best investment of my life. I've read a lot of books and done a lot homework in this little portable hammock. The recent single digit temperature days seem to be limiting my ENO opportunities, but mother nature occasionally slips in a few warm days for me and my fellow ENO lovers to enjoy.

The above photo is the product of Galentines Days. Galentines Day is to be celebrated the day before Valentines day with all your girlfriends independent of any relationships they may or may not be in.

The holiday was coined by fellow breakfast and government lover Leslie Knope from my favorite TV show Parks and Rec (I'm finding that I mention this show all too often, but I have no regrets). Tonight actually marks the premiere of the final episode ever of Parks and Recreation.

I'm having an emotional time coming to terms with this if we're being real.

But that's enough depressing gifs. Parks and Rec ending is taking quite a toll on me but with all this calculus and US history homework, I have no other option but to go on.

Godspeed everyone, Godspeed.

To lighten things up a bit, I bring to you pictures of my cat in a bow tie.

After a recent and glorious discovery at my local Goodwill, my cat is now the owner of a $1 bow tie. It is one of the best purchases of my life, although I'm not sure my cat would agree. Jake isn't necessarily enjoying the thing being strapped to his neck, but I informed him that sometimes we must make sacrifices for fashion.

And of course, a sunset for the blog's namesake. 

Before the end of this short month, I promise you a post on more important things than simply my life, but still, I hope you enjoy these simple and easy posts. They will make writing my memoir so much more easier (after I become a Supreme Court Justice of course).

Until then, have a  fabulous day.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Things Only Children are Tired of Hearing

I'm an only child. You may or may not know this as I'm not sure how many times I've mentioned this (or if I've mentioned it recently at all).

As a person with no siblings, I seem to be in the minority. Everyone assumes I'm either spoiled, a brat, arrogant, unsociable, or all of the above (and they wonder why I don't mention it often). Anyway, I get asked a lot of questions as if I'm some rare oddity that deserves a TLC special.

Today, I have compiled these questions and comments here into one blog post, for your viewing pleasure of course.

"Did your parents only want one?"

First of all, this is a personal topic and one that could potentially make you feel like a jerk for all of eternity (or until I walk away at least). Maybe my parents did want one. Maybe my parents wanted another, but couldn't conceive again (the amount of couples who easily have one kid and then struggle to have a second is actually very large and astonishing). Maybe my parents want you to get out of their business. We may never know.

Which leads to another point, why are you asking the child? If you are just dying to know the answer, you should direct your question to the parents who kind of, you know, make the decision about having more kids.

"Wow, you're not as spoiled as I thought you would be."

(I'm still trying to figure out if this is a compliment or not.)

I tend to keep my only-childness a secret for this reason. Pre-conceived notions are worse than your favorite TV show having an off week. My parents don't give me everything I want. I don't have a Louis Vuitton handbag for every day of the week (or any day of the week for that matter). My parents make me work and earn for things just like your parents make you work and earn your own things.

"I wish I was you. I'd trade my sibling any day."

The grass is always greener on the other side, amiright?

"Do you like a lot of alone time?"

Do people with siblings like to spend a lot of time surrounded with other people? No? Well then that should answer your question.

"If I didn't know you were an only child, I'd never thought that you were."

Honest to God I have a girl in my third period who makes this comment to me once a week. Every time I just breath in and then breath out and smile and nod and slowly turn around and let the comment slip away. I mean, since when was the way that I acted based off of how many siblings I have? I must have missed that scientific discovery amidst the smothering of my overprotective parents (which leads me to my next one....)

"Wow your parents must be really protective of you."

Now this one is tricky because I have met other only children who have over protective parents that would put Liam Neeson to shame. I am not one of those. It's funny because we (only children and non-only children as well) can be divided into two categories: those with over protective parents and those with clueless parents. I fall in the latter.

You see, I have no older siblings who have taught my parents the ways of the teenage child. I'm not going to lie, I've gotten away with some stuff. It's not that my parents are really lax and don't care, it's just that, well, they don't know about it.

Now that I am re-reading through this post I realize I may come off as a little snarky but I assure you—it is merely my saracasm. I love being an only child although I went through a phase when I was nine where I would have given my right hand to join the Duggar family. Looking back on things, I'm glad that never came to be.

So, only children out there, do you have anything you would add to the list?

And as always, have a fabulous day.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Life: Updated

School let out two hours early today based on the prospect of snow (and all quarter of an inch did indeed fall). School is cancelled tomorrow based on—once again—the prospect of snow. Can't say I'm disappointed. North Carolina is infamous for cancelling school over the prospect of a single snowflake—a situation that makes many of my northern friends laugh.

I will add this early release allowed me time to catch up on my blog reading. All two weeks worth of posts I might add. I shelled out three hours of my time for this, but I'm happy to say I am now completely caught up on my blog reading. That is until I find myself utterly behind in the next week or so. A girl can try though, a girl can try.

Unfortunately, a lot of my teachers realized the impending danger of a day of no school and was sure to overload us with homework to be completed upon our next arrival. On another unfortunate note, I have seemed to have caught some sort of flu/cold/undiagnosed illness. Despite my sickness, I went to school today because missing a day of calculus is comparative to shooting one's self in the foot before a marathon. Missing calculus is only certifiable if one is on their death bed and unable to lift their calculator. Other than that, go at all costs. I am also currently living in denial by not taking my temperature and just hoping a NyQuil induced sleep will cure all by tomorrow.

The informal good-bye that is necessary when leaving calculus.


I plan to spend this next day slaving over my United States history textbook and scaring myself with the prices of law school. I'm also hoping to make a dent in the three books wasting away on my to-read list. I might even pre-schedule some blog posts, but let's not set the bar too high.

Have fabulous day.

Monday, February 9, 2015

What is Life

Life has been busy.

I can't even put into words what has been swirling around in my brain/life/sleep these past two weeks. My life is a vicious cycle of AP US history and calculus homework. Not to mention I spend hours swimming and playing soccer because colleges say WE NEED YOU TO BE WELL ROUNDED DO SOMETHING OTHER THAN SCHOOL. With all this, the blog has been shifted to the wayside as of my dismay. I still have my final Summer Reading/Movie post that needs to go up and about a bajillion other things that need to be tidied up and proofread and published.

I have absolutely no clue when this will blow over. It feels like it may never end, but that's just my overwhelmed self thinking too much. I'm only posting this before you think I fell off the end of the internet. 

But here I am, as alive as a 17 year old can be.

Until next time (because who knows when that will be), have a fabulous day.